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Top G O S P E L

Jesus is the Christ

The Gospel and religion are different.
If religion is a human struggle in search for God,
the Gospel is the good news that God Himself has abandoned His glorious form
and came to us to solve the problem of mankind's suffering.
Please listen to the gospel message.

God is the Creator of the universe and all creatures.
(Genesis 1:1)

Original man was created in the image and form of God as a happy being.
(Genesis 1:26-28)

However, Satan appeared, separated us from God
and made us fall into sin.
(Genesis 2:17, Revelation 12:7-9, Romans 5:12, Genesis 3:1-6)

As a result, through the spiritual problem of bowing down to idols,
the balance of life is broken by mental problems, family problems, physical problems,
and economical problems, eventually facing judgement after death.
The spiritual problem is passed down from generations to generations
up to the thousandth generations, and each family suffer from similar problems.
(John 8:44, Ephesians 2:2-3, 1 Cor 4:4, 11:14, Exodus 20:3-5, Matthew 11:28, Acts 8:4-8)

To solve this problem, Genesis 3:15, the Offspring of the Woman,
Messiah Jesus Christ, came and stomped on Satan's head and destroyed it.
"The King of kings" who destroyed Satan's work.
"The True Priest" who cleansed our original sin, generational sin, and willful sin.
"The True Prophet," who is the only way to meet God.

The moment you accept Jesus Christ, you are liberated from your fate and become a child of God. (John 1:12)
You will have a new strength and a new beginning.
(John 1:12)

Way of Salvation

You can watch the following video and accept Christ into your life.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. (Romans 10:10)